A technology pioneer wanted to leverage its ground-breaking diversity and inclusion initiative as a key differentiator and beacon for others in the technology industry.
S3 worked directly with the Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer along with 23 other executive speakers across the company to promote the organization’s diversity & inclusion messages to specific audiences consisting of business leaders as well as under-represented minorities. Working closely with the executive team, S3 created targeted messaging and materials to differentiate each speaker and highlight their specific area of expertise.
The client reached their five-year goal of reaching full representation in their U.S. workforce two years earlier than projected and leveraged their speaking program to reinforce their commitment and leadership position in diversity and inclusion – setting an example for others. In addition to securing prominent speaking engagements at leading business conferences such as New York Times New Rules Summit, Bloomberg Business of Equality Summit, U.S. News Workforce of Tomorrow, and Economist Pride and Prejudice, S3 also enabled the client to speak directly to its target URM audiences. Over the span of 2 ½ years the program also:
- Confirmed over 200 prominent speaking opportunities
- Achieved more than 700% ROI every quarter
- Delivered nearly $3 million of brand visibility via non-sponsored speaking engagements
- Expanded from a U.S. centric program to an international stage